All the classes from Recursive Labs are going online!
All the classes from Recursive Labs are going online!
18th April, 2016

In 2010, I began taking in small groups of students and mentoring them in GNU/Linux and Free Software; I used whatever contacts I had with tech companies to find reasonably good jobs for these people.
Many students who were not from Trichur found it hard to participate in the course because of the hostel and other expenses involved in staying here for an extended period of time. I am glad to say that that will no longer be a problem!
This year onwards, if you are an Engineering fresher and wish to build up a career with FOSS, don't worry about the problems associated with coming and staying at Trichur - you can sit at home and participate in my classes - the only requirement is a decent broadband connection!
Check out Recursive Labs to know more!
Three different courses are being planned, classes for the first two (on application development with Python/Go and GNU/Linux systems programming and embedded Linux) will begin in the first week of May and the third course on Android applications and systems programming is planned for June 2016.
There is still time to register for the courses ... hurry up and check out the links given above!