National Seminar on Embedded Design with GNU/Linux
National Seminar on Embedded Design with GNU/Linux
Free Software Cell, Government Engineering College, Barton Hill ,Thiruvananthapuram is Organising a One Day National Seminar on “Embedded Design With GNU/Linux” On March 21, 2009, Saturday at the College Auditorium in association with Visiting Faculty Scheme, Directorate of Technical Education , Govt. of Kerala and Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment.
Check out the event schedule
I will be demonstrating some of my STM32 Primer experiments (documented here). Shakthi and David John are the other speakers.
You can register online - hurry, registration closes by March 17th.
Fri Dec 18 18:49:08 2009
Is the site permanently gone? I'm getting a server not found for and